Secure a New Facilities Management Job Before Christmas

Secure a New Facilities Management Job Before Christmas

Are you looking for a new Facilities Management job? With just 4 ‘hiring weeks’ left until Christmas, you may be thinking about holding off until January. But there are lots of advantages to continuing your job search in December. It’s also a great month to look at the market, even if you’re not actively looking for a move. With more choice and less competition, now really is the time to secure a new facilities management job before Christmas.

There are still lots of great FM jobs available

You may think that companies slow down their hiring in December. Think that they are more focussed on Christmas festivities than hiring. But this isn’t the case. There are lots of great companies who are using December as their best month to secure candidates. And they are right to do that. These are the companies that are forward planning into 2022. They want to start the year ahead of the game. And with a strong team ready to achieve great things.

Take a look at our latest vacancies to see the fantastic opportunities that we are currently working on.


It’s a great time to get to know the team

We all know that the atmosphere in any job changes during December. The excitement that the festive season brings permeates through the entire business. And what better time to get the know everyone. Not only the people who will be in your team, but other people who make up the company. By accepting an offer for a new facilities management job before Christmas, you may get invited to one of their get togethers, even if it is just a drink after work. Meeting your new colleagues in a relaxed environment really is a great way to settle in quickly in January.

Start 2022 with a new facilities management job

Wouldn’t it be great to relax into Christmas knowing that you’ve got a great new facilities management job to go to in January? Waiting until the new year can mean that you have more competition for jobs. The new year, new start bug will hit and applications for jobs will increase, despite the current talent shortage. It happens every year and even the pandemic couldn’t stop that! Use these next few weeks wisely and make 2022 your best year yet.

So don’t delay, get in touch with our expert team today and let’s start the search for your dream facilities management job today – 020 7220 8900 / 0113 242 8055 / 0161 470 2160


Career Planning, Intelligence, Job Hunting, Tips 29 November 2021 Written by Marketing